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Model includes fuel tank, fuel line, suction thread protector, forged ULC quick connect discharge adapter, and discharge cap.

Since 1964 when the MARK-3® was first introduced by WAJAX, after the 4-stage detachable pump end was patentend in 1958, it has been the standard wildland portable fire pump used by forestry agencies around the world. A truly outstanding and reliable performer, the MARK-3® fire pump is designed to withstand the rigors of firefighting and it is the core of most water delivery systems in wildland operations.

Always the benchmark in terms of performance, reliability and durability, the MARK-3® benefited from a series of improvements to its key components namely a Nikasil-coated cylinder, an impregnated crankcase and a maintenance-free pump end.

The new Nikasil Coated Cylinder is the most significant upgrade on the MARK-3® in years. In addition, WATERAX has adjusted its recommended fuel mix ratio to 50:1 synthetic. Please note that the change to the synthetic 50:1 fuel mix ratio is also valid for older MARK-3® equipped with cast iron sleeve cylinders.

The improved MARK-3® successfully passed the USDA Forest Service 100 hours endurance test in San Dimas on 08/04/15 and has been requalified under QPL Number 274-001.

MARK-3® meets or exceeds USDA Forest Service SPECIFICATION 5100-274E.Exempt from emission standards under 40 CFR 1054.660 NSN 4320-00-890-5879

• Attack line firefighting
• Long hose lay for remote watering during firefighting operations
• High-elevation firefighting in mountainous areas
• High pressure provides accuracy in flow trajectory
• Tandem pumping over long distances
• Parallel pumping for higher volumes

Features & Benefits
• Quick-release clamp and detachable pump end for minimal equipment downtime and inventory
• Sealed bearing to eliminate pump end greasing in the field
• Aluminum alloy pump components and anodized parts for lighter weight and greater resistance to corrosion
Disponibilité: En stock